Travel can be confusing right now! With many different health and safety protocols in place all over the world, it’s more important than ever to stay up to date and follow the guidelines. Please get the recommended vaccines. Together we can get out there again and have fun traveling!

Since we all want to start traveling again, this month I’m highlighting some of my favorite travel hacks and apps. I recommend what I use, without compensation from the companies.

Wander Wednesday

“Not all those who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien

screen shot for HearHere app

Road trips have been popular this year. We took one through Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas in August. The HearHere app uses your GPS and tells stories about the area you are driving through. It’s very strong in the Western states and adding more stories in other regions all the time. The first few stories are free, but there is an annual fee to listen to everything. I liked learning about the history and events in the different areas. This can be a good alternative to the radio and audiobooks when you are driving for long periods!

Where would you like to be wandering?

Contact me at Heirloom Vacations Travel Consulting to feed your wanderlust!