November can be a great time to travel almost anywhere! Please continue to follow health and safety guidelines to have the best experiences possible. This month we highlight our recent trip to Australia-one of my favorite destinations in any season!

Wander Wednesday

“Not all those who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien

Moon reflected tidal flats

This pixelated and blurry photo is my (poor) attempt to capture the Staircase to the Moon effect in Broome, Australia. The full moon rises over the tidal flats at low tide, creating an eerie reflection on the mud. This happens about eight months out of the year, and people flock to Broome to experience the phenomenon. Local activities on the full moon weekend include performers, food trucks, and a crafts market. Restaurants on the bay dim their outside lights when the moon starts to rise. 

While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend basing your whole vacation around this event, I was happy that the end of our Kimberley Cruise coincided with it. We got a pretty good show one night, but the next night was cloudy, and we never saw the moon rise at all.  Broome is another small tropical coastal town famous for its pearling history. 

Where would you like to be wandering?

Contact me at Heirloom Vacations Travel Consulting to feed your wanderlust!