Things are changing fast in the world of travel! Keeping up to date with enhanced health and safety protocols is paramount. If you do decide to travel, please follow the guidelines for those areas.
While the world isn’t quite open to us yet, there are signs of hope!

This month we highlight some of the little details that caught my fancy.

Wander Wednesday

“Not all those who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien

rock stack balanced

I had to crouch down to get a photo of this small rock sculpture on a hike in New Mexico in 2020. Most people hiking by never noticed it. This perfect example of objects in balance reminded me that this week I’m celebrating 44 years of marriage to the best friend and life partner I could ask for. He’s an excellent travel companion, too!

Where would you like to be wandering?

Contact me at Heirloom Vacations Travel Consulting to feed your wanderlust!