Wow! 2023 is coming to an end! It seems like this year flew by! Was that a travel joke?? If you are gathering with family and friends for the festive season, please continue to follow health and safety guidelines. Here’s hoping you have wonderfully heirloom-worthy experiences, and thank you for your continued support! We will be back next year with amazing new Wander Wednesday photos.
This month we have highlights from our recent travels around the United States.

Wander Wednesday

“Not all those who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien

car on the road

We got back to taking a few road trips this year. I spend a lot of time looking out the windows and like trying to capture road photos. Next up is a trip to Arizona-hello I-10! I love the wide open spaces, but playing the Alphabet Game on these trips is hard!

Where would you like to be wandering?

Contact me at Heirloom Vacations Travel Consulting to feed your wanderlust!