Do you get a lot of solicitations for free or reduced rate vacations?

The only hitch is you have to attend the time share presentation.

We have taken advantage of several of these deals and generally enjoyed the places we went. This can be a good way to get an idea of a property’s appeal even if you aren’t planning to buy into a time share. However you do take the risk of being on the receiving end of high pressure sales tactics, which can be unpleasant. And they do take a chunk of your vacation time.

pool and beach

We had a great experience at a Hyatt Resort: we were treated to a fancy dinner and an overnight stay in a one-bedroom suite. The salesperson was friendly and informative. He answered all our questions patiently. We spent a long time discussing the pros and cons of buying a time share. I would say we came pretty close to being convinced.  In the end we said no. The best part was the salesperson did not get upset when we told him we were not going to buy.

On the other hand, we had a terrible experience with the time share salespeople at a resort in Mexico. It started out well: we got a free breakfast and a tour of the property. We were promised free WiFi if we attended the presentation. After the tour, we got the sales pitch. We said, “no thank you, we are not going to buy anything,” pretty quickly. The salesman called for another sales person to come over and they doubled the pressure. We said “thank you, but no.” Then another sales person came over and things got ugly. They became rude and angry with us for not agreeing to buy the time share. We finally got away and decided we would think twice about vacationing around a time share presentation.

You will have to decide for yourself if taking advantage of a vacation deal is worth the hassle of attending the time share presentation. Let me know how it goes!


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